2025 Impact Agenda & Grant Strategy

The mission of United Way of York County (UWYC) is to assist working households in our community on their journey toward financial stability by collaboratively and equitably reducing barriers to prosperity.

Our Vision is an equitably thriving York County. 

In keeping with our vision of creating an equitably thriving York County, UWYC has adopted our 2025 Impact Agenda which will utilize the Results-Based Accountability (RBA) Framework to determine success. This simple and straightforward method of approaching and evaluating our work utilizes an equity leans and asks three questions:

  •  How much did we do?

  •  How well are we doing it?

  •  How many people are better off? 

ALICE in York County

Our goal is to serve at least 5,000 ALICE households with childcare, transportation, and financial wellness solutions in 2025.

ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These individuals represent 25% of York County and are often one financial emergency away from slipping into poverty. Utilizing statistical data from United for ALICE we're able to help move our community from survival to stability. For more detailed data on ALICE budgets visit unitedforalice.org/household-budgets/Pennsylvania

York County ALICE Survival Budget

York County ALICE Survival Budget

York County ALICE Stability Budget

York County ALICE Stability Budget

How do we work toward an equitable approach to impact?

An equitable impact agenda builds on our existing strategy, which defines key areas of focus, goals, strategies, programs, and desired outcomes. However, this agenda takes it further by placing equity at the core of every step.

This approach includes listening to community members to understand their challenges. From there, we set meaningful goals, develop effective strategies, and monitor progress to ensure fair and lasting results. 

As part of this commitment, UWYC will open grant applications to York County nonprofits supporting the 25% of households that fall within the ALICE population (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed)-families who live above the poverty line but below the threshold of self-sufficiency. Special priority will be given to ALICE populations disproportionately affected by income instability. 

Priority Populations

Although 25% of York County households are ALICE, the following groups face even greater challenges.

  • Young Children (0-5): 29%
  • Single Parents: 37%
  • Veterans: 16%
  • Black & Hispanic Households: 40%
  • Older Adults (65+): 39%

2025 Impact Agenda

Focus Issue: ALICE

Goal: Utilize short term interventions and long-term planning to reduce known barriers to economic mobility, focusing on priority populations

  • Young Children (0-5), Black & Hispanic, Veterans, Older Adults (65+), and Single Parents


  • Transportation: Ride United, Transportation Equity Coalition, and Grantmaking
  • Childcare: Childcare scholarships, ECHO, and Grantmaking
  • Financial Wellness: VITA and Financial Wellness Seminars


  • Who did we help?
  • What barrier was addressed?
  • What were we able to accomplish for ALICE? (increased savings, earnings, peace of mind)

Our Grantmaking Philosophy

We seek applications that:

  • Align with our mission and vision: We will award grants for community solutions that equitably reduce the barrier that childcare and transportation pose for ALICE households, placing priority on disproportionally affected ALICE populations.
  • Are bold and simple: We know that the most effective interventions are often the simplest. Our funds are intended to support projects that have proven success in meeting ALICE households where they are.
  • Value engagement and communication: Our Impact Agenda was created out of years of listening to our community. We invite applicants to engage in an ongoing, open conversation with UWYC to develop solutions for long-term change.  

Our 2025 grantmaking will fall into three cycles:

Spring: Childcare Center Unrestricted Grants

February 3: Grant Opens

March 3: Grant Closes

April 1: Funding Decisions

May 1 Funding Distributed

Summer: Ride United Micro Grants

June 2: Grant Opens

June 30: Grant Closes

July 15: Funding Decisions

July 30: Funding Distributed

Fall: Transportation Innovation Grants

August 1: Grant Opens

September 15: Grant Closes

October 15: Funding Decisions

November 1: Funding Distributed

Funds distributed through the 2025 grant process will be in adherence to the approved FY25-26 UWYC budget.